Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: launch

It’s Time to Escape from the Dark Side of Distractions to Live a Better Life

It’s Time to Escape from the Dark Side of Distractions to Live a Better Life

Are you struggling with any of the following? Focus Procrastination Anxiety Self-esteem Forgetfulness Creativity You are not alone… Somewhere along the way, we have become distracted. Maybe we don’t realize the extent to which our everyday rituals, favorite devices and apps, or where we focus our attention is affecting us. It’s time to escape from the dark side of distractions to live a better life. Introducing Lifescale, a new movement to discover what’s really important, break bad habits, establish rituals…

Rest In Peace Marketing: I Never Really Liked You Anyway

This guest post is by Michael Stelzner, the founder of Social Media Examiner and author of the new book Launch. Social and selling just don’t mix. Have you ever been to a wedding sponsored by Nike? Does a future where restaurant tables display infomercials sound appealing? The last thing anyone wants in a social context is a commercial. If you’re responsible for marketing your business, the time for change is now. It’s time to pack away the marketing messages. If…

The New Rules of Breaking News, Beware of Embargoes

Part Four of a series discussing blogger relations, “Building a Bridge Between Your Story, Bloggers, and People.” Scroll to the bottom to read this article with a white background. The New Rules of Breaking News was written to open your mind and unlock creativity when introducing new products and services. It subscribes to the notion that there isn’t one “audience” to any given story or campaign. There are opportunities outside of the usual routine of drafting press releases and blasting…

The New Rules for Breaking News, Robert Scoble Should be in PR

Part Three of a series discussing blogger relations, “Building a Bridge Between Your Story, Bloggers, and People.” Now that blogging is crossing over into the mainstream, certain bloggers have earned a right of influence and clout that rival many of the top journalists. Good friend Robert Scoble recently discussed the subject of blogger relations, embargoes and the process of news and launches in tech PR. Scoble, for those who may or may not know, is probably the one of the…

This week: The Art of Start and Launch: Silicon Valley

My friend Zoli Erdos let me know about two important events coming up this week. On November 8, 2006, make plans to attend The Art of Start and Launch Silicon Valley produced by SVASE and The Art of the Start is a conference dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed. It runs from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Start-up authority and popular business author Guy Kawasaki and experts from Garage, along with Silicon Valley leaders and mavericks, venture capitalists, and successful…