Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: employees

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

How to Make Lifelong Learning an Organizational Priority

Guest post by Mark Burgess (@mnburgess) co-author of “Social Employees: The New Marketing Channel,” a 22-part video tutorial released by, a LinkedIn company. What is the value of lifelong learning, and how do you build it within your organization? Today, the value of building a culture of active learners can be summed up in one word: relevancy. In a recent post for Harvard Business Review, Pat Wadors, CHRO of LinkedIn, argues precisely this. Simply put, organizations that are not…

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Your Workforce is Disengaged: Here’s What To Do About it

Change is in the air. With disruptive technologies hitting businesses from the outside in and the inside out, how companies invest in technology and ultimately how people use it to get work done is under significant re-evaluation. At the same time, the rising workforce clash between older and younger generations is also pushing HR to radically reform management processes and education programs. Indeed, change is the air. In fact it’s imminent. But change is never programmatic nor is it ever…

Empowering Employees with Social Media Improves Customer Relationships and Grows Revenue

Empowering Employees with Social Media Improves Customer Relationships and Grows Revenue

Employee empowerment is about creating brand advocates to scale customer relationships and effectively compete in new digital markets. Organizations can no longer rely on inbound and outbound sales reps, people willing to jump through hoops and obstacles via call centers, or traditional marketing to boost awareness and demand. Customers demand engagement, in real time, and that takes human beings, training, and support. In January 2014, the San Francisco Chronicle, one of the country’s oldest remaining metropolitan newspapers, opened a technology…

(R)evolution Episode One: Empowering Your Employees and Customers with Josh Bernoff

Welcome to the premier episode of (R)evolution, a new series that connects you to the people, trends, and ideas defining the future of business, marketing, and media. In show number one, Forrester’s Josh Bernoff discusses his new book Empowered, co-authored with Ted Schadler. An old proverb declares, “may you live in interesting times.” Indeed we do. The markets that define the business landscape for brands, organizations, and local businesses are democratizing. At the same time, the dynamics of influence, who…

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