Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: DEFI La Mode de France

Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Summarized In DEFI: La Mode de France Report

Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Summarized In DEFI: La Mode de France Report

  A world in search of meaning Introduction Austin brings together the world’s largest festival of innovations every year under the SxSW (South by South West) banner. The entire Austin center is mobilized and thousands of volunteers participate enthusiastically in the organization. This is a major event, unclassifiable and unavoidable. It brings together in one event that lasts 15 days: Conferences on all innovations, be they social or technological. They were divided this year into 25 major themes. A music…

Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Detailed DEFI: La Mode De France’s  Un monde en quĂȘte de sens (FRENCH)

Brian Solis’ SXSW 2019 Keynote Detailed DEFI: La Mode De France’s Un monde en quĂȘte de sens (FRENCH)

    Un monde qui se bIpolarIse en quĂȘte de sens Austin rassemble chaque annĂ©e le festival d’innovations le plus important au monde sous le vocable SxSW (South by South West). Tout le centre d’Austin est mobilisĂ© et des milliers de bĂ©nĂ©voles participent avec enthousiasme Ă  l’organisation. Il s’agit d’un Ă©vĂšnement majeur, inclassable et incontournable. Il rĂ©unit en un seul Ă©vĂšnement qui dure 15 jours : Des confĂ©rences sur toutes les innovations qu’elles soient sociales, technologiques. Elles se rĂ©partissaient cette…