Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: dave winer

Whoops, I didn’t mean for you to read this

As the line between social media and privacy continues to erode, I often think about these words by Gabriel GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez, “Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.” Sometimes in social media, we intentionally or often, unintentionally, blur the lines between who we are (outward facing), who we are (introspectively), and who we want to be. A recent example of such a mistake is when former U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner accidentally published a…

TechCrunch Hits 100k

I wrote that headline and realized that readers could interpret it as either monthly revenue or subscribers. Well, according to Feedburner, TechCrunch hit 100k readers right on the money – literally. And, take a look at Technorati’s numbers…Techcrunch, Rank: 8 (43,393 links from 12,110 blogs). While the number may read 100k, I believe that TechCrunch has had a much bigger impact than Feedburner or Technorati numbers can represent here. Let’s not talk about the accuracy or relevance of Web 2.0,…

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