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Tag: crunchnotes

TechCrunch Hits 100k

I wrote that headline and realized that readers could interpret it as either monthly revenue or subscribers. Well, according to Feedburner, TechCrunch hit 100k readers right on the money – literally. And, take a look at Technorati’s numbers…Techcrunch, Rank: 8 (43,393 links from 12,110 blogs). While the number may read 100k, I believe that TechCrunch has had a much bigger impact than Feedburner or Technorati numbers can represent here. Let’s not talk about the accuracy or relevance of Web 2.0,…

Crunch This! Arrington Launches CrunchGear to Expand Online Media Empire

In about a year, Michael Arrington has risen to fame and fortune through TechCrunch covering Web 2.0 startups while aligning himself with some of the most influential people in the industry. Now he is among the most influential in the industry… A couple of weeks ago, he launched CrunchBoard to help companies and jobseekers connect and yesterday, he officially launched CrunchGear, which, according to Arrington, “will look like something between a pure blog and CNET Reviews.” Arrington continued in his…

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