Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: comic

Customer Experience is the New Marketing and Customer Experiences are the New Brand

Customer Experience is the New Marketing and Customer Experiences are the New Brand

My friends Rob Cottingham, Gerard Francis CorbettĀ and I have had some fun lately. One way to gain perspective on our modern reality is to do so through humor. So when a severalĀ big brands in the beverage, transportation, banking and airline industries were suddenly in the global media hot seat, we had a laugh and productive conversations behind the scenes. As a result,Ā we set out toĀ build upon these unfortunateĀ opportunities with a couple of pithy but poignant cartoonsĀ hoping toĀ spark a bigger dialogue….

Stop Talking About Technology and Start Designing Experiences

As Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore wrote in the Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage, the future of business is less about products and more about creating experiences. That’s right. You’re no longer in the product business. Products are a by-product of experiences you set out to create. Products are also social objects that spark desirable relationships between you and customers and also among customers. The future of business is experiences. One year after launching What’s…

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