Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: client

10 Quotes to Enrich Your Customer Experience

10 Quotes to Enrich Your Customer Experience

MercĂ­ Thierry Spencer Transcript in French (via Google Translate): rien de tel qu’une bonne situation pour s’inspirer et partager des convictions autour de soi je vous propose une sĂ©lection de dix citations pour enrichir votre expĂ©rience client les gens ne se souviennent pas toujours de ce que vous dites ni mĂȘme de ce que vous faites mais ils se souviennent toujours de ce que vous leur avez fait ressentir my angel ou Ă©crivaine poĂ©tesse actrice et militante amĂ©ricaine ne pensais…

The Top 100 Twitter Publishing Tools and Services

Source As I was writing the report on Facebook and Twitter traffic growth, I had noticed that the engagement time at had dropped by 31 percent year-over-year. September 2009: 18:07 September 2008: 26:12 Engagement Difference = -31% I suspected that the shift in numbers stemed from the migration of those who previously interacted on and now engage via third-party clients such as TweetDeck, Seesmic, CoTweet, HootSuite, et al. As such, I thought it would be productive to review…

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