Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: chris+heuer

Vocus Acquires PRWeb – PR 1.0 + PR 2.0 = New Media Relations

…well that’s until New Media Relations becomes PR and the next big thing becomes NMR. Today, Vocus announced that it acquired PRWeb. Now things are getting very interesting! Thanks to Jason Baptiste, co-founder of Weblogwire for sending along the information. Hey Jason, keep up the visibility and the PR for the PR! Maybe you’re next…. Vocus snagged PRWeb (an alternative news and information distribution service) for its proprietary SEO tools and team of specialized editors that deliver a unique level…

On Air with "For Immediate Release" Regarding New Press Release Template

On Monday, I joined Shel Holtz on his popular For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast for his ongoing series regarding the New Media Release (NMR) lead by Chris Heuer of BrainJams and Tom Foremski of Silicon Valley Watcher (one of the most influential blogs in the U.S.). The podcast is available online at The series was inspired by Tom Foremski’s original post, Die Press Release, Die Die Die, where he tells the PR industry that things cannot go along as…

Stirr Mixer 1.4 Wrap-up – An event worthy of your time

Last week’s Stirr event was definitely an indication that Silicon Valley is ready to socialize and network again. Yes, I know…before you start attributing everything to the hype of Web 2.0 and offer your premonitions of dotbomb 2.0, please read between the lines of the following wrap-up. The truth is that a group of energetic and optimistic folks decided to help reconnect Silicon Valley and generate the impression that we are all ambassadors for the next chapter in technology innovation:…

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