Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: change

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

What Makes Someone a Thought Leader?

That was the question I was recently asked by my friend Vivienne Neale. I wasn’t sure how to reply. After all, we all have our “thought leaders” whom we follow. Me, I always wanted to be part of a community where doing meaningful things made belonging matter. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a thought leader. I simply shared my ideas and work because I felt alone in my mission to change the future of business. I’ve always believed I couldn’t do…

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The Definition of Digital Transformation

The definition of digital transformation is… 2019: Digital transformation is the evolving pursuit of innovative and agile business and operational models — fueled by evolving technologies, processes, analytics, and talent — to create new value and experiences for customers, employees, and stakeholders. 2014 – 2019: The realignment of, or new investment in, technology, business models, and processes to drive new value for customers and employees and more effectively compete in an ever-changing digital economy. This is how I define digital…

Experiences are The Core Pillars of Any Brand. 

Experiences are The Core Pillars of Any Brand. 

This is for my Danish friends and anyone who believes that the future of business lies in experience design. Via  Markedsføringdagen, I juni 2016 havde Dansk Markedsføring besøg af Brian Solis fra Altimeter ved markedsføringsdagen. Vi fik lejlighed til at tale både med ham og med deltagere, som havde fornøjelsen af at høre ham på dagen I’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately in Copenhagen. To be honest, I already miss it. There are three recurring topics that…

I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation

I Answer Your Questions About the State of Digital Transformation

Where are companies at in their digital transformation efforts? This was the question I set out to answer in, “The 2014 State of Digital Transformation” report.  After two years, it was time to check-in on the digital transformation landscape again to learn how companies are changing, what challenges they’re facing now and what opportunities they’ve uncovered. Recently, I hosted a webcast on behalf of Altimeter and Prophet to share the findings from the latest “State of Digital Transformation” report. Over…

Connected Customer Experiences Are at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Connected Customer Experiences Are at the Heart of Digital Transformation

The word “digital” can be misleading. Digital transformation is about how people and their behaviors, expectations, and preferences are changing. Customer experience (CX) is one of the most important trends in business today as it brings companies closer to customers and customers closer to brands. But CX is also so much more. The work toward creating more relevant, meaningful and productive customer experiences also places your company and employees on a path toward business transformation. But this isn’t change for…

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital Transformation is Still Largely Technology-First, People-Second

Digital transformation has officially become a ubiquitous term that describes any company’s investment in digital infrastructure regardless of ultimate vision and intention. But, unless digital transformation takes a technology-second and a customer/employee first approach, investments will be unaligned with market evolution and more importantly, human behaviors, preferences and expectations. Technology is just a means to power business transformation. But technology can only get part of the job done. You need people. And, like technology, people are changing. Each time I…

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

5 Tips for Reimagining Yourself in an Era of Digital Darwinism

Learning to do things differently will have a positive impact on your business. Recently, I had the chance to talk with Deep Patel for Entrepreneur to discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding digital Darwinism. In the conversation, I  shared some of my work and observations about how living in an era of great disruption will ultimately humanize business (at least I hope). Following is a summary of our conversation and five prescriptions for surviving and thriving an era of digital Darwinism… 1. Reimagine yourself in an era…

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

  I recently presented at event in San Diego. My goal in doing so was to help attendees reframe the problems they were trying to solve and introduce new opportunities that would help them go back to work and contribute to meaningful change. I remember it being a beautiful day. The crowd was electric and more than open to new ideas. When I was done presenting, I playfully threw out that I would be outside on the patio (overlooking the San Diego Harbor)…

The Human Dimension of Digital Transformation

The Human Dimension of Digital Transformation

Seems that everyone is talking about digital transformation these days. Not a day goes by when I don’t hear a new voice or see a new book, post, report or conference on the subject. It would be wonderful if all work in digital transformation was aligned. But it’s not. With every expert that joins the conversation, it becomes increasingly difficult to sort the signal from the noise. I suppose that’s not unlike everything in life. The challenge is that those learning about or trying to…

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