Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: broadcast

Getting Back to Basics: Why Brands are Getting it Wrong in Social Media

Getting Back to Basics: Why Brands are Getting it Wrong in Social Media

Question: What is your #1 advice for social media strategists and managers? Answer: Stop talking about social media Type “social media” into a Google search bar and you’ll find roughly about 4.7 billion results in .30 seconds. Next, try “social media conference.” You’ll see something along the lines of 1.2 billion results in .25 seconds. Social media is important but I’d argue we aren’t celebrating it for the reasons we should. Instead, we are forcing social media to conform to…

Discovery Communications Discovers the Meaning of Like

The future of TV is much more than social, it’s a multi-screen experience that takes design. Often, producers, broadcast and movie marketers and brands alike underestimate the role social media plays as consumers watch, share, and interact. Whether its watching movies, TV shows or listening to music, consumers will have at least one-to-two other devices in grasp or within reach. Depending on the device, each screen is used differently and with purpose. As a result, each screen requires the thoughtful…

Revolution: Jim Louderback, Revision3 CEO on the Future of Broadcast and Web Television – Part 1 of 2

Long time friend Jim Louderback joins us for the latest episode of Revolution. Jim is the CEO of Revision3, a leading Internet television network. Founded by Digg’s Kevin Rose, Jay Adelson, and David Prager, Revision3 creates and produces original  episodic, community-driven programs watched by what could only be described as a very passionate fan base. The network gets over 65 millions views and over 19 million unique viewers per month.  Indeed, the Web, and specifically, the social web, is becoming…

The Future of Broadcast Media is Social

Six years ago I had the opportunity to work on an ambitious social project that set out to socialize the living room. Keep in mind, this was before the popularization of social networking as it exists today. In almost every way, this system predicted what would ultimately transform your experience on PCs as well as everything else. It was rooted in the realization that the Web was an isolated and lonely experience and that in order for online and terrestrial…

Newspapers are Old News

Credit As a follow up to my post, “Extra Extra, Read All About It! Newspapers Respond to the Social Web,” new research emerges that documents the looming exit of print newspapers as a primary source of national and international news. According to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, a new survey indicates that 40% of respondents claim the Internet as their primary source for national and international news, versus 24% in 2007. In comparison, 35%, up…

The Social Revolution is Our Industrial Revolution

Broadcast and print media and the services that support the creation and distribution of information are not dead and Social Media is not going to get indicted for holding the smoking gun. These powerful, influential, and age-old industries are however, undergoing some of their most radical transformations and metamorphoses in order to adapt to the elusive and rapidly shifting information landscape. Money is migrating away from traditional media as well as the industries and services that support it – from…

Social Media Continues to Rival Traditional Media

As each day passes, we’re presented with new information that documents the decline of traditional media in favor of online counterparts and new media competitors. It seems that newspapers are among the hardest hit with circulation and print advertising down – forcing layoffs across the country. The Newspaper Association of America (NAA) recently released a study showing newspaper Web sites attracted an average of about 66 million unique visitors in the first quarter, up about 12 percent over the same…

Local Broadcast News Goes Social

I received a note from Andrew Finlayson, Vice President and News Director for Fox News Chicago – WFLD Television – Finlayson is part of a small, but dedicated and innovative team of journalists in Chicago who are reinventing how we view broadcast news. Think of it as cable news TV meets Twitter meets uStream, meets Friendfeed. is an online portal that lets people watch news as it happens anywhere in the world by aggregating the video feeds from…

The Evolution of the News Business – Did the New York Times Miss the Point?

The Business of News   Chapter I – The Town Crier Chapter II – The Printing Press and Newspapers Chapter III – Radio Chapter IV – Television Chapter V – The Web Chapter VI – Mobile Alerts Chapter VII – Blogs OK, yes it’s just a crude and simple representation of the evolution of news. My point is that blogs are merely the latest chapter, and not the only means for breaking news today. I think the New York Times…