Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: born digital

Experiences are The Core Pillars of Any Brand. 

Experiences are The Core Pillars of Any Brand. 

This is for my Danish friends and anyone who believes that the future of business lies in experience design. Via  Markedsføringdagen, I juni 2016 havde Dansk Markedsføring besøg af Brian Solis fra Altimeter ved markedsføringsdagen. Vi fik lejlighed til at tale bĂĽde med ham og med deltagere, som havde fornøjelsen af at høre ham pĂĽ dagen I’ve been spending quite a bit of time lately in Copenhagen. To be honest, I already miss it. There are three recurring topics that…

Born Digital: Meet Generation C, a new generation of connected customers

Businesses today are met with unique challenges and opportunities that necessitate pause. For years, management models were developed to optimize the pursuit of business objectives. Processes were established and hierarchies, technologies and reporting systems supported them. Everything was business as usual until it wasn’t. Nothing is permanent. As in life, things change. And so is true in the world of business. The models and practices that have been taught for generations are tested in a time when customer and employee…

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