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Tag: blogging

Social Media Club Makes TechCrunch re: Our Initiative on Blogging Ethics

Tonight we’re hosting a roundtable entitled, “Talking About Disclosure” to discuss honesty, ethics, and disclosure – the things that will serve as a solid foundation for blogs as well as helping to escalate credibility in the blogosphere, among consumers, and among traditional journalists. The event even made TechCrunch today. Thanks Mike! Arrington (along with many other important bloggers) have been both in the spotlight and the hotseat in regards to blog posts and how, why, and when to disclose business…

Opening Up the Corporate Kimono – Corporate Blogs are the Heart and Soul of Business

Blogging is nothing new. It’s already propelled many of whom used it as a part-time platform for their opinions and observations into the stratosphere, or shall we say blogosphere. Many bloggers and blogerati are rock stars, regardless of industry and journalistic background. Their intelligence, words of wisdom and associated niches attract legions of loyal readers. The technologies available today allow writers to easily publish, link, feed, and market globally – all with a bit of simple HTML code on their…

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