Credit In media and blogger relations, PR typically wields two powerful tools to help boost the effectiveness of pitching and potential placement of news: the embargo and the exclusive. In the case of an exclusive, a story is usually packaged prior to official release for one particular writer, fully understanding their style, nuances, and audience. If the story is accepted, it is not pitched to any other media outlets until after the story runs. The benefit for PR is that…
Listed Over at Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog
Many thanks to Lee Odden over at Top Rank Online Marketing for listing a couple of my articles in his guide to Blogger Relations 101. It’s a great post and definitely worth reading. I’ve been writing a series that explores how to target, reach and measure blogger relations over at Forward Moving. I’m already at article #4, out of maybe 5 or 6. Truth is that it could be a book, but really, it doesn’t need to be. I hope…
Reaching the Blogosphere Part Three – Finding Bloggers in Your Market
Part three in a series written to help up-and-coming PR professionals (and those verterans who are wondering when the hell blogs became part of the PR mix) is now live on Forward Moving . “Blogger relations is a necessary addition to a PR program because citizen journalists, enthusiast bloggers, and accredited journalists with blogs, within a given community/market, can strongly influence consumer behavior. ” Forward’s mission: To provide a comprehensive, ever-evolving, online springboard for students and young professionals in PR….
Reaching the Blogosphere Part Duex – working with enthusiasts to attract customers
My article…Part 2 of who-knows-how-many in a series to help up-and-coming PR professionals (and those verterans who are wondering when the hell blogs became part of the PR mix) just ran on Forward Moving. “Blogger relations is an important addition to a PR program because enthusiast bloggers within a given community/market can strongly influence consumer behavior. According to Technorati, it is tracking more than 51.5 million blogs, of which, many are speaking to and advising your customers on their next…