Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Tag: Age of Machine Learning

Brian Solisā€™ Article on Machine Learning is Referenced in Linkedin Piece About Content Marketing Ideas

Brian Solisā€™ Article on Machine Learning is Referenced in Linkedin Piece About Content Marketing Ideas

Solisā€™ article ā€œMarketing and CX Enter the Age of Machine Learning, But Are Businesses Readyā€ is mentioned and linked to in an article on Linkedin Marketing Solutions blog by Steve Kearns called ā€œWhatā€™s Trending: Ideas to Inspire Your Content Marketing.ā€ Solisā€™ article is at #10 on a list of ā€œWhat Marketers Were Reading and Sharing Most This Week.ā€ Kears introduces it by writing, ā€œWe wrap up this week with an interesting read from Brian Solis on machine learning and how…