Brian Solis keynoted AudaVision Toronto 2015 and AutoServiceWorld published a recap with some of his thoughts. Excerpt: Brian Solis, principal and “digital anthropologist” at the technology research firm Altimeter Group, admits that the rapid change of the past 15 years or so has left many businesses in reaction rather than proaction mode. This will sort itself out soon enough – by 2020, over 50% of our workers will be WIFI-friendly millennials. Once society as a whole is more in sync…
How Marketers Can Thrive in an Era of Digital Darwinism
While in London promoting What’s the Future of Business (WTF): Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, I spent some time with the folks who produce The Digital Marketing Show. In this short video, I share the rise of Generation C and how an era of connected consumerism created the perfect storm for digital Darwinism to accelerate. We also discuss how the future of marketing takes more than technology, it takes a philosophical shift to create meaningful and shareable experiences. It’s…
Brian Solis Interviewed in London About Digital Darwinism [VIDEO]
While in London promoting What’s the Future of Business (WTF): Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences, Brian Solis spent some time with the folks who produce The Digital Marketing Show. In this short video, he introduces the rise of Generation C and how an era of connected consumerism created the perfect storm for digital Darwinism to accelerate. He also discusses how the future of marketing takes more than technology, it takes a philosophical shift to create meaningful and shareable experiences….
Small Business Trends: Brian Solis is a Voice for Our New Media Generation
Deborah Shane published a thoughtful piece in Small Business Trends to help entrepreneurs and business owners succeed. In her article, “14 Keys For Creating Your Business Success Story,” Shane referred to Brian Solis as “a voice for our new media generation.” Excerpt: Brian Solis is a voice for our new media generation. Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging media on business, marketing, and culture. His book, “The End of Business as Usual,” explores the emergence of Generation C,…
Habits are the Invisible Architecture of Everyday Life
Guest post by Gretchen Rubin (@gretchenrubin), one of the most thought-provoking writers on habits and happiness. Her new book, Better than Before, is about how we change our habits. Habits are the invisible architecture of everyday life. Research shows that each day, we repeat about 40 percent of our behavior, so our habits shape our existence, and our future. If our habits work for us, we’re far more likely to be happy, healthy, and productive—and if our habits don’t work…
Canadian Underwriter: The decisions that you are making on behalf of your customer experience are actually not for your customer at all
On April 7, 2015, Brian Solis keynoted AudaVision in Toronto Canada, an event for North American insurers. The event was held at the Palais Royale on the shore of Lake Ontario west of downtown Toronto. Canadian Underwriter was on hand and published a summary of highlights from the event. Here’s an excerpt featuring Brian Solis… Businesses tend to use information technology to improve processes, efficiency, margins and scale, rather than customer experience, suggested Brian Solis, principal analyst for the Altimeter…
The Apple Watch Will Make Work More Delightful and Reshape Employee Engagement
Guest post by Jason Shah is the founder and CEO of Do (, a collaboration platform that helps people run productive meetings and do work they love. TL;DR Summary: Apple Watch will make work easier and more impactful. Through a constrained interface, powerful one-tap actions, and intimate data it will collect, people will be better at their jobs and form new bonds with coworkers previously not possible. There is a widespread myth that a new device will only add more…
Brian Solis and Hugh MacLeod Share Why Art and Storytelling Inspire Engagement [VIDEO]
While at SXSW, Brian Solis and Hugh MacLeod joined Trisha Hersheberger and Khail Anonymous on stage in the PayPal TechSet lounge to talk about art in a new era of engagement. What you may not know is that Hugh and Brian have combined talents and passions for a new project that helps business better engage customers or employees through art and storytelling. Following this episode, Hugh and Brian released an exemplary ebook, The 25 Most Interesting Things You Missed at…
Marketing Cannot Be Built On Happenstance
Via Gregarious Narain in Content Marketing Institute Marketing cannot be built on happenstance. As Brian Solis said during a recent Chute webinar: Don’t compete for the moment. Compete for meaning. If you compete for the moment you’re irrelevant. Even if we could reliably predict when meaningful moments would arise, most brands simply don’t know how to work in real time. They aren’t making a massive investment to be at the ready when a major event unfolds – and rightly so….
GapingVoid’s Hugh Macleod and Brian Solis Release Free ebook, 25 Things You Missed at SXSW 2015
Via SXSW’s Hugh Forrest Over the last few years, few people have exerted as much positive energy at SXSW Interactive as Brian Solis and Hugh MacLeod. Solis has interviewed numerous high-profile speakers at the event, ranging from Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan to longtime NBA star Shaquille O’Neal. Meanwhile Hugh MacLeod designed the “Austin is the Killer App” art for the 2011 SXSW big bag; he also penned the simple sketch that helped kickstart the SXSW 4 Japan relief effort…