“Timing is everything, and in brevity there’s clarity,” writes Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group. “Studies already show that the time and day and the language structure of tweets and Facebook updates determine overall reach and engagement. Optimize language and timing to make every update count.”
Adobe: Inside Our Notebooks: 5 Key Takeaways from Social Media Marketing World Conference 2016
4/20/16 Adobe: Inside Our Notebooks: 5 Key Takeaways from Social MEdia Marketing World Conference 2016 (excerpt) “Your brand is the sum of all experiences your customers have with your brand. Think collaboration and community when it comes to content.” -Amy Copperman, Editor/ Community Manager You hear a lot of content creators and marketers talking about the importance of authenticity, but capturing a unique voice or experience that also inspires and galvanizes a community around your message can often feel like coaxing goldfish…
LinkedIn: The Good News of Content Marketing: Takeaways from #SMMW16 Day 2
4/20/16 by Alex Rynne – LinkedIn (excerpt) You are the person you’re trying to reach. It’s no secret that marketers are busy. But we often get so caught up in deadlines and calendars that we forget what we’re really doing here. We forget how to connect and who we’re really trying to reach. Brian Solis reminded us in his session: “You are the person you’re trying to reach. And yet when it comes to marketing we think like marketers.” We…
VisionCritical: 3 Tips on how to improve your customer experience strategy
4/21/16 by: Kelvin Claveria at VisionCritical (excerpt) In a recent webinar with Vision Critical, digital analyst Brian Solis shares what companies need to do to lead the customer experience revolution. The webinar was very timely given how, according to Gartner, 89 percent of companies expect to compete based on customer experience (CX). For many companies, improving their customer experience strategy and providing a seamless end-to-end experience is one of the most difficult but most urgent business puzzles to solve….
PostBeyond: Thoughts on Digital Transformation from #SMMW16 Speaker @BrianSolis
This framework encourages enterprises to approach “digital” in the right way. It isn’t as simple as snapping your fingers and pushing modernity on an outdated workforce. In fact, Brian warns that digital transformation is often a matter of politics. You’ll be fighting an uphill battle by asking leaders in your company to change their perception.
Yep, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
TechRepublic: What HoloLens means for Microsoft and for the future of augmented reality
4/22/16 By: Erin Carson TechRepublic, excerpt So far, it’s a limited number of people who have access to HoloLens, and as a result of that, as well as demos that have gone well in the public eye, one of the words most commonly associated with HoloLens (and augmented reality) is potential. On a broad level, Altimeter analyst Brian Solis sees some of that potential as being “taking what you know and doing it better.” So for example, the process of…
The Creative Group: Are You Thinking Like A CMO?
4/21/16 by Doug White, Robert Half The Creative Group, Are You Thinking Like A CMO (excerpt) What’s on the minds of CMOs today? Well, you can tell a lot by what they share on Twitter. And thanks to Leadtail, we now know. Leadtail analyzed 241,148 tweets from 1,289 CMOs that were published on Twitter during the first quarter of 2016. The results provide a snapshot of the issues CMOs are focused on and the influencers and ideas that are currently…
The San Diego Union-Tribune: Do people want to talk to bots?
4/16/16 By: Jennifer Van Grove The San Diego Union-Tribune (Excerpt) “Chatbots are to you and me and today’s culture, what call centers are to our parents’ culture,” said Brian Solis, the principal analyst at Altimeter and an expert on trends in social media. Maybe so, but that assumes people will simply accept bots as their new besties. Pause to think about that. Siri may be handy when you need her, but she doesn’t insert herself smack-dab in the middle of…
Kabbage: 100 Blogs Every Small Business Should Follow
By: Kabbage 4/18/16 Excerpt Blogs can be an invaluable source of information and advice business owners can use to their advantage. Here are 100 blogs that any small business owner would be smart to follow. #35 BrianSolis.com – Home of articles on digital marketing insights, trends and predictions by Brian Solis, digital marketing analyst and futurist
PersonaDesign: Brand Stories: Critical to Brand Growth Strategy
3/30/16 by: Lorraine Carter PersonaDesign (excerpt) An appealing brand story is bound to involve customers’ direct experiences with a product or service. These days, a business cannot write its story sitting around a boardroom table or in an isolated ivory tower. That one-way street is permanently closed; the path via co-creation and connectivity is today’s route. “Brands are not necessarily what their companies say they are,” explains digital analyst, author, and futurist Brian Solis. Delivering the keynote address at a…