Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

BFM Business: Paris, Terre D’accueil Privilégiée Des Centres D’innovation

BFM Business: Paris, Terre D’accueil Privilégiée Des Centres D’innovation

L’ancien PDG de Cisco John Chambers et le ministre de l’Économie Emmanuel Macron lors de l’inauguration, par vidéoconférence, du Paris Cisco Innovation Research Lab, le 8 octobre 2015. – AFP – Patrick Kovarik by: Adeline Raynal, BFM Business (Excerpt) Un rapport récemment publié montre combien Paris a progressé depuis quelques années en matière d’accueil de l’innovation. L’ambition portée depuis deux ans par Axelle Lemaire pour faire briller la France sur le terrain de l’innovation portera-t-elle ses fruits? La capitale française a…

Blue Chip: Ocho ideas sobre innovación de la mano de Brian Solis

Blue Chip: Ocho ideas sobre innovación de la mano de Brian Solis

Brian Solis en el evento. Fuente: Agencia Evoca by: Ignacio G.R. Gavilán, Blue Chip El pasado Viernes 27 tuve la oportunidad de asistir en el Centro de Innovación del BBVA a una jornada organizada por la unidad de Digital Business de Oracle donde se presentó el concepto de Enterprise as a Service (EaaS) del que hablaremos en un próximo post. Uno de los ponentes, probablemente el de más renombre internacional, fue Brian Solis, quien llevó a cabo una ponencia titulada ‘Innovations…

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

Customer Experience Network: Pioneering Connected Customer Experiences is at the Heart of Digital Transformation

We live in a time of digital Darwinism, an era when technology and its impact on business and society is constant with varying, but inevitable, degrees of disruption. The thing about digital Darwinism is that it plays out differently in the case of each industry and each organisation. It’s less about the origin of the species and more about its fate as digital Darwinism is enlivened through changes in people (your customers, employees and stakeholders) and how markets are advancing as a result. Survival takes an intentional, informed effort to drive business evolution and modernization. But to thrive, takes something more.

BBVA Innovation Center: The Human Dimension Of Digital Transformation

BBVA Innovation Center: The Human Dimension Of Digital Transformation

by: BBVA Innovation Center Brian Solis underlines the keys to the digital transformation process that most companies are undergoing, in his interview at BBVA Innovation Center. Digital transformation is the innovation of a business model, its processes and the technologies it implements. “It is digital but at the same time it has an important human element” stresses Brian Solis, leading analyst at Altimeter Group. This is what Solis dubs “the human dimension” of digital transformation. The innovation involved in this process…

.ME: Interview with Brian Solis On What It Takes to Create Exceptional Customer Experience

.ME: Interview with Brian Solis On What It Takes to Create Exceptional Customer Experience

An exceptional customer experience is starting with understanding what a customer experience is. Too many people that work in this field look at customer experience from their point of view; so it means that these are the technologies we need, these are the systems and processes we need, these are the groups that handle the experiences that people have, but there is no one person who necessarily owns customer experience. The customer owns customer experience.

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

5 Questions Defining the State and Future of Digital Transformation

  I recently presented at event in San Diego. My goal in doing so was to help attendees reframe the problems they were trying to solve and introduce new opportunities that would help them go back to work and contribute to meaningful change. I remember it being a beautiful day. The crowd was electric and more than open to new ideas. When I was done presenting, I playfully threw out that I would be outside on the patio (overlooking the San Diego Harbor)…

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