by: Dimitri Ganevat, CREA Genève Une conférence exclusive de Brian Solis a été organisée ce vendredi pour les étudiants du bachelor et du master en digital marketing. Des discussions très intéressantes autour de son dernier livre X : The experience when business meets design.
Cominmag: Brian Solis À Lift
Tout va passer par l’émotion que l’on aura susciter », relève ce gourou de la Silicon Valley. Les gens ne se rappellent pas de ce que vous avez fait ou dit mais ils n’oublient pas l’impression que vous leur avez laissé. Vous pouvez avoir conçu le meilleur site, inventé les produits les plus performants, cela n’aura que peu d’impact s’ils n’expriment rien pour eux. »
C’est ce qu’il démontre dans son dernier ouvrage « The Experience : when Business meets Design », un plaidoyer pour un design centré sur l’humain.
How to Get Unstuck
I received a note from a dear friend while on the road with what seemed to be a simple request. “Would you have time to make a 60 second video that shares advice for how to #GetUnstuck?” Easier said than done. We all hit those barriers where we get stuck or worse, go backwards. It’s not just any one thing that causes these moments. And, it’s not any one thing that helps break through them. Sometimes we… …just can’t see…
The Huffington Post: 20 Brian Solis’ Gems Of Wisdom Amid Gems Of Montenegro
You are early adopters. What takes to reach you now is different than yesterday. We are all in control of experiences we have.
Top Rank Marketing: Learn How to Take Your Digital Advertising Strategy Mobile
“Someone has to take the lead in bringing mobile to the forefront of digital design. Investing in a mobile program just to check the box is no longer good enough. The reality is that mobile is now the first screen.”
Business 2 Community: Digital Darwinism, Where Do You Stand?
“Digital transformation is more than just digital; it’s about remodeling businesses to be agile, innovative, and customer-centric at their core.”
Learning with ‘e’s: Inventing The Future
Brian Solis drew on the seminal work of Clayton Christensen, whose model of technology adoption is widely applied in industry. Disruptive innovation, the seemingly uncomfortable process that arises when new technology or ideas are introduced into a conservative environment, is generally unwelcome to many in the business world. We like certainty and abhor change. Yet disruptive innovation is actually an opportunity for creativity and problem solving in organisations, says Solis.
The ED Sessions: Disrupt Or Be Disrupted
Solis said the first thing society does is judge the next generation with statements like, “put your phone down.” What that says is, “You need to be more like me.” Solis said to earn relevance society needs to do the opposite and embrace technology. Contrary to old thinking, technology like smart phone apps and social platforms help people become more informed.
LinkedIn’s The Sophisticated Marketer’s Podcast: Brian Solis on Experiential Marketing
To see how marketers can borrow some of that Disney magic for themselves, I went straight to the experiential marketing man himself: Brian Solis. Brian is a Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, a LinkedIn Influencer, and a guy with some very, very big ideas for the future of marketing.
1to1 Media: What’s Your Digital Stage?
Digital disruption is happening at lightning speed and only some of the best-in-class businesses are successfully keeping up the pace.
In documenting how companies are going through this digital transformation, Brian Solis, principal analyst at Altimeter Group, a Prophet company, developed a maturity model that chronicles the stages and the key areas of focus and change.
Solis said the “6 Stages of Digital Transformation” took 1.5 years to assemble and was developed to help CIOs, CMOs, and key stakeholders follow the paths of other successful companies like Dell, Lego, Starbucks, and Target to help make the case for driving transformation.