Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Marketing & More: Royale les — website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints?

Marketing & More: Royale les — website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints?

by: Marketing & More [Excerpt] Royale les: website nodig in ecosysteem aan digitale touchpoints? We zijn eerlijk gezegd niet zo’n grote fan van de monarchie. Maar je hoeft niet altijd fan van iets te zijn om er vak-gerelateerde lessen uit te trekken. Zo is het maar net met Trump of de N-VA. Je hoeft het niet met hen eens te zijn om in te zien dat ze vanuit marketing-standpunt best boeiend om volgen zijn. Eerder deze maand passeerde een opmerkelijk bericht…

Acquisa: Interview mit Brian Solis, “There is an Uber in every business”

Acquisa: Interview mit Brian Solis, “There is an Uber in every business”

Customer Experience (CX) is a difficult process, because so many stakeholders interpret CX differently and then prioritize investments and resources accordingly. The IT-Department thinks it’s about technology. The Marketing-Department thinks it’s about omnichannel. The department customer service focuses on contact touchpoints. The Advertising-Department activates experiential events and campaigns. And the executives ask for customer data and make decisions based on narrow inputs and more so cognitive biases.

CIOReview: Microsoft’s Ascent into the Cloud

CIOReview: Microsoft’s Ascent into the Cloud

The Cloud, Mobility, Internet of Things, Everything-as-a-Service along with Cyber Security implications are transforming today’s technological landscape at a frenetic pace. Brian Solis best described this shift as Digital Darwinism, “The phenomenon that occurs when technology and society evolve faster than an organization can adapt.”

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