The question seems premature or perhaps over dramatized, but I ask it with all sincerity. Whether the answer is yes or no or if the answer is not yet within grasp, think about the question at any level you wish and try to answer it. It is the process of thinking through the strengths and weaknesses of Facebook and Google Plus where you discover what each network means to you and why and how you will divide your time and…
The End of the Destination Web and the Revival of the Information Economy
In recent weeks journalism and the future of all media have once again gone under the knife. Experts on either side of new media debated whether or not Twitter’s CNN moment truly was indicative of the future of journalism. Twitter’s role in the spread of online dialogue speculating the death of Osama Bin Laden was studied at great depths to better understand when and where news actually surfaces, how it’s validated, and how news travels across the Web and in…
Social CRM – Getting Down to Reality
Guest post by Paul Greenberg, author of CRM at the Speed of Light. Follow him on Twitter, please read his blog. First things first. Thank you, Brian. I am truly thrilled that I’m getting the honor of addressing your friends and I’m more thrilled even to be able to call you a friend. You know, I’ve spent a lot of time looking at the CRM market, as an analyst, consultant, journalist, blogger and whatever other chameleon-like title you can give…
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas! Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah Feliz Navidad Boas Festas Gun Tso Sun Tan’Gung Haw Sun Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan Glædelig Jul Hyvaa joulua Joyeux Noel Froehliche Weihnachten Kala Christouyenna Mele Kalikimaka Срећни празници! Vrolijk kerstfeest Mo’adim Lesimkha. Chena tova Shub Naya Baras Kellemes Karacsonyi unnepeket Selamat Hari Natal Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah Nollaig Shona Dhuit or Nodlaig mhaith chugnat Buone Feste Natalizie Shinnen omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto Із Різдвом Христовим! Sung Tan Chuk Ha…
The State of the Blogosphere 2010
The question we ask ourselves when examining the state of the blogosphere is whether or not the cup is half full or half empty? Personally, I believe the answer lies in the nature of circumstances. If drinking from the glass, it is then half empty. If pouring, it is half full. With the rise of Twitter, Posterous, Tumblr and other forms of micromedia, many believed that the glass was half empty. Blogging appeared passé as many individuals opted for microblogging,…
The Hybrid Theory Manifesto: The Future of Marketing, Advertising, and Communications Part One
Hybrid Theory |ˈhīˌbrid thee-uh-ree |: The fusion of creative and communications, combining earned and paid media to enliven ideas, unite communities, amplify stories and spark desired outcomes. Part One of Three… Marketing, advertising, service, communications, and business dynamics in general is undergoing incredible transformation. The innovation transpiring across the board however, wasn’t ushered out of vision as much as it was pressured through the democratization of content and the equalization of influence. After years of the socialized media changing how…
Facebook and Twitter users spend 1.5x more online than the average Internet user
If you want to get a glimpse of the economic future, focus on the emerging trends driven by those defining the evolution of the social Web. Social media is not only democratizing influence and upsetting the traditional media ecosystem, it is now an indicator for a potential economic resurgence. Leading metrics firm, comScore, released its Q1 U.S E-Commerce Spending Report recently, finding that online retail spending approached $34 billion in Q1 2010, which represents a 10 percent boost compared to…
Engage was Written to Help You Find Answers in Social Media
I recently hosted a discussion on the need to lessen, not eliminate, the emphasis we place on the social media case studies and “how to” posts that are now universal, as they won’t apply to the specific circumstances or context of our challenges, opportunities, and market dynamics. I believe that we should use them solely for inspiration, but not as templates for our work. The best advice that I or anyone for that matter, can offer, lies in our ability…
The Business of B2B Social Media
Social Media is often misconstrued as a medium for business-to-consumer or B2C engagement and discounted as a viable communications network for those companies focused on business-to-business transactions. However, B2B, as in any other field impacted by online activity, is faced with a prime opportunity to not only cultivate communities in social networks and other social channels, but also amplify awareness, increase lead generation, reduce sales cycles, and perhaps most importantly, learn and adapt to market dynamics in real-time. Ignorance is…
21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
Following is an abbreviated excerpt from Engage, a new book that helps businesses build, cultivate, and measure success in social media. Last year, Forbes magazine assembled a visual list for its Top 21 Twitter Tips to showcase business examples on how to use Twitter for marketing, service, sales, and ideation. The original compilation served as inspiration for a new list, one that helps businesses of all shapes, sizes, and focus embrace not only Twitter, but all social networks of relevance….