Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Making Mistakes in Social Media Marketing

We all make mistakes. It’s amazing how much saying sorry helps. But even saying sorry doesn’t fix those affected 100%. We’re all learning together, at least those of us who don’t pretend we’re already experts. Making mistakes in Social Media Marketing is a lot like sticking daggers into a wooden fence. Just because you apologize and pull them out, they still leave the visible scars for others to see, feel, or point to. Sometimes apologies help people feel better, but…

TwitterLocal Connects You to Local Voices

Twitter tools and services are hitting the market faster than they can be acquired, but that’s just a given for one of the hottest social tools to hit the Web. Introducing TwitterLocal, an interesting new Twitter service brought to you by Matt King. TwitterLocal essentially allows you to focus on Twitter voices within a specific region (from 1 to 50 miles around any given zip code or city). It generates a URL and RSS or XML feeds to filter geographically…

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Conversation Has Left The Building

Earlier this year, I wrote “The Value of Online Conversations,” to share and talk through my thoughts related to improving the quality of online discussions in the face of potential degradation and decentralization of important online discussions. We live in the era of Social Media, which represents the socialization of content and conversations as well as the creation of communities around thoughts and ideas. People are the hubs of information and we’re witnessing the creation of mini-societies that expand, contract,…

PR 2.0 = The Evolution of PR, Nothing Less, Nothing More

Source There are many of us running back and forth from the edge to the center who would love to drop “2.0” from new evolution of PR. Hey, it’s even the name of this blog, and has been for years, but there’s a reason I haven’t changed the name yet. The subject itself is a catalyst for healthy, informative, and motivating conversations. I was reminded of this as good friend Kami Huyse shouted on Twitter recently, “I hate PR 2.0…

Perception is Everything

It’s not just about what you want me to think, it’s about what I hear and in turn, share with others. You can help shape my perception and perhaps, even influence it, but my perception is defined by my experiences, thoughts, beliefs, predispositions, and personal agenda. Tell me again why I should listen to you? Connect with me on Twitter, Jaiku, LinkedIn, Pownce, Plaxo, FriendFeed, or Facebook.

Discovering and Listening to Conversations in Twitter

We all know Twitter is an essential example of the conversations that help define Social Media. What if we could find the conversations that were important to us, even if we don’t follow the people engaged in those conversations? I think it would transform one of the hottest conversation-based communities on the Web into a goldmine of information and and catalyst for forging new relationships. In August 2007, I wrote about a public discussion including Chris Messina, Stowe Boyd, and…

Brandweek: Brian Solis on Facebook Becoming a Hub for Personal Brands

Brandweek has run my latest post discussing the role of social networks in framing and portraying your online persona. Excerpt: Social networks are becoming the very mechanisms for connecting with people, ideas, brands, news and information. But thinking of social networks as a personal playground will only come back to haunt you and any company you work with in the future. Facebook is the most legitimate and productive social network for business professionals on the Web today. This isn’t a…

The Wall Street Journal Recommends Now is Gone

Co-Author, and very good friend, Geoff Livingston, emailed with great news. Now is Gone is listed in The Wall Street Journal as a resource for businesses looking to understand and embrace Social Media as an extension to their corporate marketing initiatives. Congratulations Geoff…I think we’re truly contributing something very useful to the community. At the very least, and ideally, it’s all we hoped for…to be regarded by those we want to help as a resource for them. Thank you to…

Cultural Voyeurism and Social Media

Sociology – The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society. About a year ago, I wrote an article entitled “Social Media is About Sociology and not Technology.” The recognition of people versus the tools is now more critical than ever. Although, it still isn’t necessarily embodied in many of the words and work shared by fellow Social Media Marketers. Less talk, more learning and action are required. There’s no…

How Should I Read This? Is This the Future of Social Media Marketing?

Dear Brain solis, (Yes, notice the typo. I’m a smart guy, but I haven’t flirted with changing my name yet.) XXXX provides holistic and synergistic blend of traditional online marketing and emerging social media based buzz marketing (wait, is that one sentence? And, is this a new category, Emerging Social Media Based Buzz Marketing?!), to help its clients derive maximum value from their marketing dollars. For example, our understanding of the key words for any client will be useful not…

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