Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VIII

Source: Shutterstock Happy New Year! Welcome to 2010…this is your year. Let’s build upon the lessons we learned in 2009 in order to help us continue on our journey towards earned relevance. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VIII 1. The Second Life of Second Life 2. The Science of Retweets on Twitter 3. Teens Adopting Twitter 4. Social Media Accounts for 18% of Information Search Market 5. The Future of the Social Web 6. The Competition for Your Social…

Facebook Top Trends of 2009

Contrary to popular belief, Twitter wasn’t the only story of 2009. Facebook skyrocketed to over 350 millions users in 2009 and continued its rise to global pervasiveness becoming one of the top visited sites on the Web. As aspiring digital anthropologists and sociologists, we thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the trending topics readily available for review and analysis on Twitter. On Twitter, trends are defined and shaped by the shared interests published in the form of status updates that suddenly congregate…

Top Twitter Trends of 2009

Now that Twitter employs a Chief Scientist, we will benefit from the ongoing interpretation and publishing of Twitter behavior and activity to better understand how Twitter is constantly evolving. In a discussion with Robert Scoble recently, I suggested that Twitter also consider hiring a digital anthropologist or sociologist, to not only analyze and comprehend data, but also effectively observe cultures and shifts within this burgeoning online society in order to participate in and ultimately shape its transformation. As shared in…

Ideas Connect Us More than Relationships

Earlier in the year, I was invited to share my thoughts and observations on the state of and vision for socialized media and the networks that connect us. Shot in a mobile studio outside of the Austin Convention Center during SXSW09, I joined Gary Bolles to discuss the theory that ideas are the “ties that bind” us in social networking – over relationships. In the era of Web 1.0 and instant messaging, we assumed, in many cases, alter-egos rather than…

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VII

Source: Shutterstock As 2009 comes to a close, we’re inspired to take what we learned this year and apply it to the uncharted year that lies ahead. Our resolutions for 2010 must include learning and participation. With an open mind and an open heart, we can continue to learn, grow, and in turn, teach those around us to make 2010 a banner year for new media literacy and change. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VII 1. One in Five…

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VI

Source: Shutterstock As we continue our journey through some of the news, events, and observations that moved us in 2009, we still have much to learn as we prepare for the new opportunities that await us in 2010. The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part VI 1. Gary Vaynerchuk and Brian Solis Discuss Putting the Public Back in Public Relations 2. Who Owns Social Media? 3. Size Matters: Job Seekers Measure the Size of Your Social Graph 4. Goodbye Virtual Reality,…

2009: A Few of My Favorite Things

What follows is a repost of my contribution to Intel’s Inside Scoop blog. As an Intel Insider, I advise the company on new media as well as share my thoughts and views on tech… CES 2010 is the next stop for all gadget lovers and technologists. In many ways, the holidays and the slower pace that ensues serve as an excuse to recharge so that we may effectively travel the miles of booths featuring new electronics, tech, and consumer products….

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part V

Source: Shutterstock 2009 represented a quantum leap in publishing for me. It was the first time in the years that I’ve been writing and blogging that I challenged myself to publish at a greater frequency, depth, and volume. Here are some of my favorites… The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part V 1. Identifying and Connecting with Influencers 2. Full Disclosure: Sponsored Conversations on Twitter Raise Concerns, Prompt Standards 3. I’m Not Talking to You 4. Everything You Never Knew About…

The Greatest Hits of 2009 Part IV

Source: Shutterstock Valuable Information flies across our attention dashboards at blinding speeds. As 2009 comes to a close and we embrace a new optimism for 2010, let’s revisit some of the most read and shared posts this year. Greatest Hits of 2009, Part IV: 1. Social Media is Rife with Experts but Starved of Authorities 2. Unveiling the New Influencers 3. PR Does Not Stand for Press Release: Equalizing Spikes and Valleys 4. The Decline of Traditional Advertising and the…

Twitter Economics

Source: Shutterstock With a $1 billion valuation, Twitter is becoming, according to Co-Founder Evan Williams, an information network, a practically priceless exchange for connections, information, and the resulting activity that ensues. Indeed, Twitter appears to have evolved into a human seismograph, a lifeline interweaving people through conversations, reciprocity, and connections inspired by the interests, ideas, passions, causes, and observations that move them. Twitter’s core and most loyal users are at one with the service. Their daily actions hinge on the…

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