Studying the impact of innovation on business and society


Behaviorgraphics: Discovering the “Me” in Social Media

Social media is a deeply personal ecosystem that I lovingly refer to as the EGOsystem. As such, there is a “me” in social media for a reason. It is quite literally a world in which we are at the center of our online experiences, a place where everything and everyone revolves around us. Placing ourselves in the role of this emerging social consumer for a moment, brands, businesses, and media aren’t sure how to see or reach us directly yet….

Opportunity Clicks: Social Media and Converting Clicks into Action

Social Media is celebrated for its power to cultivate influential relationships and foster viral conversations. As consumer attention shifts away from traditional mediums and migrates to the golden triangle of mobile, PC, and next generation Web appliances, businesses are racing to engage in the hopes of capturing fleeting awareness and igniting affinity. Social media, as practiced today however, largely represents a means, not a means to an end, or said another way, social media is missing actions where the purpose…

Social Media and the Adaptive Business

While I’m in the throes of writing the next chapter, I wanted to share a recent interview I did with BroadVision‘s Andrew Gori. Andrew asked some profound and timely questions that are worthy sharing. Following this discussion, the interview was reenacted live at BroadVision’s headquarters in Redwood City, CA as part of its Clearvale SecondFloor speaker series hosted by CEO, Dr. Pehong Chen. The conversation tackles subjects facing businesses of all shapes and sizes ranging from social media adoption and…

Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It? Perhaps It’s the Wrong Question to Ask

I was asked to enter the Bloomberg BusinessWeek Debate Room to make the case “for” Twitter as a platform for journalism – at least that’s how I interpreted it. On the other side, ScribbleLive CEO Michael De Monte debates why it is “for the birds.” But before we get too far down the path, let’s frame the discussion. The original debate topic posed by BusinessWeek, “Twitter Isn’t Journalism, Or Is It?” is a bit misleading  and honestly, I think it’s…

The 2011 Twitter Brand Bowl: And the winners are…

Super Bowl XLV is now in the history books. 2011 is the year that the Green Bay Packers reclaimed the NFL Championship. And, it is also the year that now holds the record for the most viewed television broadcast of any kind in U.S. history, attracting an audience of over 111 million viewers. While many watched the game, it is the advertisements that spark conversations online and offline. Going back to Apple’s 1984 commercial directed by Ridley Scott that introduced…

Click Your Way Through the Twitterverse

Guest post by Laura Fitton (@pistachio), founder, Back in 2009 when @oneforty was a mere gleam in my eye and Twitter for Business was barely understood, our friend and advisor Brian Solis teamed up with @Jess3 to map the newly-exploding Twitterverse. Their 2011 Twitterverse organizes the chaos by function. IF you have time to search through the complex graphic, look up the items, try to discern which tools are right for your business… getting tired yet? That just got a lot easier….

The Next Chapter

If you’re wondering why you are seeing a few more guest posts or shorter posts than usual, there’s a reason. The next chapters in this incredible adventure are soon to unfold. Within the next few weeks, I’ll share some special news about Engage…on 3/7/11. But, before then, I would like to let you in on a little secret. I’ve already started writing my next book. While, I’m not yet ready to share the title or summary, I will say this,…

When Will the Social Media Gatekeepers Arrive?

Guest post written by Ian Greenleigh, Social Media Manager at Bazaarvoice. Follow him on Twitter: @Be3D – This is not a commercial post, but solely the views of Mr. Greenleigh Imagine it is 1881, three years since the printing of the first phone book and the founding of the first telephone exchange company. You’re one of the fortunate few with access to a telephone. Some have been grumbling that the device is a mere novelty, a passing fad. Others predict…

The Interest Graph on Twitter is Alive: Studying Starbucks Top Followers

Social media is maturing as are the people embracing its most engaging tools and networks. Perhaps most notably, is the maturation of relationships and how we are expanding our horizons when it comes to connecting to one another. What started as the social graph, the network of people we knew and connected to in social networks, is now spawning new branches that resemble how we interact in real life. This is the era of the interest graph – the expansion…

The Information Democracy and Attention Economics

Minimalistic forms of self-expression masquerade as a new information economy. Instead, it’s a new information democracy that represents the greatest era for self-expression in history. What we say, however, defines the value of the social economy and our place in it. If we are defined by our actions and words, essentially the currencies we exchange, the question is, are we investing in our social capital or social arbitrage? Connect with Brian Solis on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook ___ If you’re looking…

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