Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2015

WWD: Retail Innovations Beyond Online Shopping Carts

Women’s Wear Daily was on hand to catch Brian Solis’ presentation at OneStop’s inaugural brand summit. “Many retailers and others online are still introducing services and digital features that only build upon old ways of doing business,” point out Brian Solis. “We’re bringing to the customer all this rooted legacy…that’s ruinding the experience for the new customer,” Solis said. “The on-demand economy is more important than the sharing economy,” Solis added. More here. L.A. Tech Summit: Retail Innovations Beyond Online…

The State of Influencer Engagement in 2015

The State of Influencer Engagement in 2015

  Augure released its second edition of its research on the State of Influencer Engagement. This year, the company surveyed over 600 communications and marketing professionals from 32 countries and 30 different fields with the aim of understanding their challenges and best practices when rolling out their influencer programs. The report features digital analyst and author Brian Solis. Excerpt:   Digital influencers are the new celebrity. But that doesn’t mean that influencer engagement is limited to traditional promotion and endorsements….

Completely Rethinking Marketing Is Essential in Today’s Customer-Centric World

Completely Rethinking Marketing Is Essential in Today’s Customer-Centric World

Guest post by Fred Studer (@fredstuder), Chief Marketing Officer at NetSuite As my friend Brian Solis says, “This is a time to question everything.” Let’s start with marketing, because it’s overdue for a revolution. Today’s customers are in the driver’s seat – it’s a buyer’s market and the buyers are better informed than ever. Prior to making a purchase today, customers research and compare products assiduously while tapping into both the opinions of people they know directly and reviews from…

Station Summit 2015: Think like a viewer. Act like a digital marketer

Station Summit 2015: Think like a viewer. Act like a digital marketer

by Paige Albiniak, Brief No one likes change, but in order to survive in this rapidly evolving world, TV station executives need to hold their noses and jump in, said Brian Solis, principal analyst and author at Altimeter Group, addressing attendees at PromaxBDA’s Station Summit. “Digital Darwinism is affecting every single industry out there today, not just television,” said Solis. “More than 40 percent of the companies that were at the top of the Fortune 500 in 2000 were no…

San Diego Union Tribune: Instagram puts trends in focus

Via Jennifer Van Grove Instagram Tuesday updated its social network with a more robust search experience that now parades in front of its more than 300 million users a constantly updating lineup of the most-talked about photos, videos and places on the service. Van Grove interviewed Brian Solis for his thoughts… “It’s a huge deal,” said Brian Solis, a principal analyst at Altimeter Group, which researches trends in social media. “Instagram just became the Twitter of visuals … a visual…

CIO France: Le futur du marketing n’est pas le marketing

By Romain Chaumais, CIO France Cette deuxième édition du Digital Marketing one-to-one confirme le virage à 180° engagé par le secteur à l’ère du tout digital. Brian Solis, analyste chez Altimeter Group, scandait à juste titre lors de sa présentation « The future of marketing is not marketing ». Car c’est tout le modèle qui doit être repensé avec les codes de ce nouvel écosystème. Aux oubliettes donc la règle des 4P (Produit, Prix, Place et Promotion) qui a fait…

Digital darwinisme pågår overalt

Digital darwinisme pågår overalt

Via Karl Wig, E24, Norway Silicon Valley-futuristen Brian Solis om den nye deleøkonomien, Generasjon C, digital darwinisme og bedrifter som bruker sosiale medier feil. – Han kom bort og spurte om jeg ville selge min Apple Watch. Okay, sa jeg. – Hvorfor selger du den? – Jeg har en til. Brian Solis (44) er mannen som må være i front og gir dårlig samvittighet til alle som henger etter.  Han er verdenskjent futurist og digitalanalytiker i Altimeter. Han holder foredrag…

12 Lectures on Social Capital: Brian Solis’s Social Capital Speech Looks Beyond Likes and Comments

12 Lectures on Social Capital by Alyson Wyers, TrendHunter In his social capital speech, Brian Solis explains the role of social media in branding and business. The digital analyst examines how technology and sites like Twitter affect business. Social media interaction including likes and comments result in a social economy, where these elements equate to currency. Not only has social media revolutionized politics as seen in the Arab Spring, but we are also seeing the natural emergence of a Corporate…

Entrepreneur: How the Next Five Years Will Revolutionize Business

Earlier in the year, Brian Solis spent some time with Jason Ankeny. Jason was, at the time, writing an article for Entrepreneur on “the next five years” of business for the print edition. He assembled a pretty stellar cast to serve as his panel and Brian was more than excited to join in. Here’s an excerpt below, but you can read the entire article here. The Future of Generational Relations The older generation is making decisions based on their experience…

How the Next Five Years Will Revolutionize Business

How the Next Five Years Will Revolutionize Business

Earlier in the year, I spent some time with Jason Ankeny. He was, at the time, writing an article for Entrepreneur on “the next five years” of business for the print edition. He assembled a pretty stellar cast to serve as his panel and I was more than excited to join in. Ankeny set up the discussion this way… The period between 2015 and 2020 is poised to redefine virtually every facet of how we live and work. It probably…

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