Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2014

A Return to Simplicity, Empathy and Imperfection in Communication: Human to Human #H2H

A Return to Simplicity, Empathy and Imperfection in Communication: Human to Human #H2H

Guest post by Bryan Kramer, author of the new ebook, “There is no B2B or B2C: Human to Human” and CEO of PureMatter Marketing has become so complex, in segmenting audiences into “B2B” (business to business) and “B2C” (business to consumer). Being here in Silicon Valley, surrounded by titans of technology like Google, Facebook, Cisco, Twitter, LinkedIn and eBay to name a few, I’ve observed a downhill slope of complexity in marketing communication. This, plus the rise of social, digital…

USAToday: Shh! Whisper adds celebrity gossip to confessions

Whisper co-founder Michael Heyward and editor in chief Neetzan Zimmerman at the company basketball court.(Photo11: Jefferson Graham) USAToday’s Jefferson Graham asked Brian Solis for his thoughts on Whisper’s evolution from anonymous social network to…? “Whisper has morphed from an anonymous network into a hybrid gossip, confessional, and allegation media network,” says Brian Solis, an analyst with the Altimeter Group. Read the full article over at USAToday.

Los Angeles Times Quotes Brian Solis on IMGUR’s popularity

Humorist Andy Herald of Pasadena created the “banana sdded for scale” meme that has been hugely popular on the photo-sharing service Imgur. (Luis Sinco, Los Angeles Times / February 12, 2014) Imgur pictures itself as YouTube for viral images Online image-sharing service Imgur figured out early on how to cash in on its fast-growing popularity. The company says it is profitable and has 130 million people visiting the site each month. And that is why Imgur has become such a…

Hello, It’s Nice to Meet you…Again: Your Digital Reputation Precedes You

Hello, It’s Nice to Meet you…Again: Your Digital Reputation Precedes You

My good friend Andy Beal just released his latest book, Repped, 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation. Late last year, he asked me to write the foreword for the book and when I heard what it was about, I was all in. Whether you realize it or not—or even wish to admit it—you already have an online reputation to protect. It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh out of college and hoping your past Facebook indiscretions don’t torpedo your career…

Digital prophet Brian Solis on what post-digital people want

Digital prophet Brian Solis on what post-digital people want

by Mark Cameron, BRW I spoke to Brian last week to get his views on how and why social media is having such a dramatic impact on the way that businesses are evolving. Our discussion centred around how businesses are dealing with managing the changes in communication that social media has brought, and the economics of relationships at scale – a fundamental issue in today’s environment. This is not a technology issue. To quote Brian, it revolves instead around the…

4 claves para conectar con la Generación C

via @ticbeat, Marcos Merino Brian Solis (analista digital de Altimeter Group, conferenciante y autor de best-sellers) redactó recientemente un informe para IBM titulado “The Connected Consumer and the New Decision-Making Cycle” (El Consumidor Conectado y el Nuevo Ciclo de Toma de Decisiones). Según la compañía, el objetivo del informe era enseñar a ir más allá de segmentos y datos demográficos para comprender la dinámica de la participación en las redes y poder así transformar la relación de las compañías con…

Lithium’s Thought Leadership Series Hosts Brian Solis

Lithium’s Thought Leadership Series Hosts Brian Solis

Join Lithium CEO Rob Tarkoff (@rtarkoff) and Brian Solis (@briansolis), prominent author and digital analyst, for a conversation around the effects of technology on businesses and culture. In addition to exploring themes in Brian’s latest book, “What’s the Future of Business”, this discussion will provide insights for anyone looking to understand the landscape of connected consumerism and how business and customer relationships unfold and flourish. Watch the video over at Lithium.

2 Social Business Questions Answered Ahead of the Social Business Summit in Melbourne

Brian Solis answers 2 questions from attendees ahead of the Social Business Summit in Melbourne. 1) How can small businesses, with upwards of 150 employees, think about social strategically without straining resources or losing focus while still delivering ROI? 2) How do we get executives involved in social media the right way…if at all? See you on February 18th, 2014! Register here: Use discount code: BrianSolis@SB14

GoldieBlox vs. the Beastie Boys – What Constitutes Fair Use?

GoldieBlox vs. the Beastie Boys – What Constitutes Fair Use?

Guest post by Monica Corton (@momusing), Executive Vice President, Creative Affairs & Licensing Next Decade Entertainment, Inc. Now that the Beastie Boys have gone on the offensive for the unlicensed and unauthorized use of their song “Girls”, written by Adam Horovitz and Rick Rubin, as used in the Goldieblox viral video campaign to feature their girls toy line . . . let’s try to unpack what actually happened and why songwriters and music publishers firmly believe that this was not…

The Quality Prism: The secret to co-creating brands through social media

The Quality Prism: The secret to co-creating brands through social media

Guest post by Greg Narain (@gregarious) co-founder of Chute, a company that helps brands discover or collect relevant photos from social networks and incorporate the visuals into their websites and apps Brands finds themselves at a challenging crossroads in their evolution. For decades, companies have utilized a command and control model as it pertains to their brands. Billions of dollars have been spent to carefully craft specific messages and deliver them via campaigns. However, as consumers continue to create and…

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