Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Year: 2014

In Conversation With Brian Solis, Altimeter – LeWeb’14 Paris

  Brian Solis is principal at Altimeter Group, a research firm focused on disruptive technology. A digital analyst, sociologist, and futurist, Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing, and culture. Solis is also globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media. His new book, What’s the Future of Business (WTF), explores the landscape of connected consumerism and how business and customer relationships unfold and flourish in…

petit web: Brian Solis, le casque connecté et l’Afrique développée

Qui ? Brian Solis, digital analyst et dirigeant d’Altimeter, Marcus Weller, CEO de Skully et Jeremy Johnson, cofondateur d’Andela. Quoi ?  Un talk sur la disruption à LeWeb14. Comment ?  “Disrupter ce n’est pas améliorer les choses, faire de l’incrémentalisme’. C’est créer de nouveaux univers, changer l’écosystème, et faire en sorte que le monde s’adapte à vous” explique Brian Solis. “Pour cela, il faut questionner tout.” Marcus Weller a eu un accident de moto et a renoncé à conduire, jusqu’au…

#LeWeb’14 Backstage #Radio Station Episode #5-3 with the great @briansolis

via Radioline LeWeb’14 – Backstage Radio Station, Episode #5 day 3 @LeWeb (#LeWeb) with Brian Solis, Digital Analyst, Anthropologist & Author. LeWeb is THE international digital innovation conference. Every year, it gathers thousands of guests and speakers worldwide. And for this new edition of LeWeb, Radioline has been chosen as the exclusive radio partner to animate the LeWeb’14 – Backstage radio station, a radio station that will come and meet you at the event! So let’s go, let’s hear and…

LeWeb 2014: hanging out with Brian Solis of Altimeter Group

via Euronews Brian Solis is principal at Altimeter Group, a research firm focused on disruptive technology. A digital analyst, sociologist, and futurist, Solis has studied and influenced the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing, and culture. Solis is also globally recognized as one of the most prominent thought leaders and published authors in new media. His new book, What’s the Future of Business (WTF), explores the landscape of connected consumerism and how business and customer relationships unfold and flourish…

TechRepublic: 9 social media trends to watch in 2015

Via Erin Carson, TechRepublic One of social media’s most defining characteristics is its constant rate of change. Just a few years ago, it was seen as a novel time waster, these days businesses are recognizing the evolving relationship between social and business goals. In 2015, social media marketers will be dealing with many of the same problems and pitfalls as they have in the past, down to finding the right way to think about marketing opportunities on social media, which…

Digital Transformation: A Year in Review

Digital Transformation: A Year in Review

When I published the first in a new series of reports exploring the state and future of Digital Transformation, it was almost the antithesis of a typical technology report.  It didn’t talk about tech trends for automated marketing. It mentioned zero platforms, software or apps for improving processes, manufacturing or customer or employee engagement. It also didn’t talk about the latest enterprise cloud services to improve marketing or CRM or process big data and the like. Instead, I, along with…

Brian Solis Joins Jeff Clavier, Robert Scoble, David Hornik and Matthew Brezina as Judge at Paris Demo Day

Les 44 start-ups françaises avaient chacune 5 minutes pour convaincre dans ce bel événement porté par 50 Partners, Le Camping et Microsoft Ventures. La Mairie du IVème arrondissement accueillait ce lundi un événement pour le moins atypique. Nous vous l’annoncions déjà il y a deux semaines, Presse-Citron était partenaire d’un événement rassemblant de multiples acteurs de l’écosystème et notamment Microsoft Ventures, 50Partners et le Camping. Un très vif intérêt a très vite accueilli ce rendez-vous qui bousculait les codes établis….

Mercury News: Google for kids, coming soon

Mercury News: Google for kids, coming soon

Michelle Quinn reporting for the San Jose Mercury News examined the recent moves by Google to make its most popular online services more child friendly. Quinn spoke with Brian Solis among other experts to understand why and that the future holds. Excerpt: I am excited Google plans to roll out kid-friendly versions of some of its services next year. Of course, a lot of parents hope they are getting NSA-like parental controls and surveillance tools. But if Google wants to…

Introducing The Technology of Us, a Provocative Discussion About the New Relationship Between Technology and Humanity

Introducing The Technology of Us, a Provocative Discussion About the New Relationship Between Technology and Humanity

The Technology of Us is a collection of essays and interviews with leading authors and thinkers about technology’s potential to reshape our businesses and lives in the years to come. Brian Solis joins an amazing lineup of contributors that includes George Lucas, Don Tapscott, Don Peppers, Doc Searls, Rachel Armstrong, Janine Benyus, Erik Brynjolfsson among several other brilliant minds. The ebook is available online or offline via iBooks, Kindle and Nook. Brian’s contribution is available here and includes a series…

LeWeb Paris Keynote: Disruption as an Ecosystem

LeWeb Paris Keynote: Disruption as an Ecosystem

On December 11th, Brian Solis will return to the LeWeb stage in Paris. This time, Brian is not just keynoting, he’s organized an entire session that explores disruptive technologies that are creating ecosystems beyond just products. He invited two world renown entrepreneurs to join him. Each in their own way is disrupting the industries in which they operate and at the same time teaching other businesses to learn from their open perspective. With the onslaught of IoT devices, Shared Economy…

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