Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Experiences Matter to Your Bottom Line

SAS invited Brian Solis to speak at New York’s Integrated Marketing Week to expound on his notion of “shareable” customer experiences and how they’re key to future business success.

To Solis, the future of business has always been about creating value – for shareholders and for all stakeholders in the enterprise. What’s changing is how value is defined, derived and demonstrated in the context of today’s new generation of consumerism. While technological advances are making customer-centricity imperative for the enterprise, success will not be defined in terms of technology, but in terms of shared experiences and the outcomes they generate.

In our digital world, success increasingly will be a balance between the real-time web and the right-time web. It will be less about managing multi-channel marketing campaigns and more about designing experiences independent of channel so that they are shared in the right context — because they are worthy of sharing. Success will increasingly be driven not just by how well you shape your customers’ impressions, but also how well you can influence their expressions. And while technology has made it impossible to manage impressions while ignoring expressions, technology also enables business leaders to manage the customer experience and drive positive outcomes like never before with insights gained through analytics.

Hear Brian Solis as he explains how key elements from his new book, What’s the Future of Business, matter to your bottom line. Listen as he provides compelling reasons to re-think business models, products and services, marketing, customer and employee relationships in terms of shared customer experiences. Discover how you can harness the power of shared customer experiences for meaningful revenue growth.

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