Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Month: May, 2011

Revolution: Filmmaker and Webby Awards Founder Tiffany Shlain

Filmmaker Tiffany Shlain joined me on the set of Revolution to discuss her new film, Connected. Tiffany is a remarkable individual. She is the first to debut two films at the Sundance Film Festival and is also the founder of the prestigious Webby Awards. In her film Connected, we as the audience, explore how technology is changing our culture. We are pulled into a beautiful spiral to feel what it means to live in an always on society  and also…

Engage with Purpose

I was recently interviewed by my friends at WebCopyPlus. I thought I’d share it with you here… At a time when everyone with a smart phone and a Twitter account boasts social media genius, digital analyst Brian Solis renews our faith in the existence of intelligent discourse in that realm. Author of Engage!, a comprehensive guide for businesses vying for success in the social web, Solis offers practical advice on how to build a social media strategy and measure its…

This just in…News no longer breaks, it Tweets

This just in…News no longer breaks, it Tweets

Following the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death, Twitter once again celebrated its CNN-moment. This isn’t its first however, which actually seems to be news to emerging media pundits. The new reality of a real-time world is that news no longer breaks, it Tweets. We are the architects of a new media alert system, TNN – the Twitter News Network. And, because of us, we have set a foundation for which news media can more effectively track, check, and report…

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