Studying the impact of innovation on business and society

Twitter Tools – Twittervision, Twittersearch, Twitterholic

Twitter is rocking the blogosphere, and with as much heat as it has drawn, it only continues to spread like wildfire.

For better or for worse, it has quickly evolved as a micro blogging platform that lets people share much more significant thoughts and ideas, rather than their personal status (eating, going to bed, etc.).

Today, many use it has a way to spark conversations, solicit feedback, share insights, update groups of people, reference notable items, and update contacts on status.

It is “lite” blogging and represents an important shift in communication.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are still jovial uses for a product like this, which can misrepresent its true capabilities. But, the edglings have embraced it, providing everyone with a window into their day-to-day workflow and persona.

Recently, I’ve used twitter to maintain relationships with fellow bloggers, coordinate activity, solicit feedback for posts, promote new content, share information and media, and also help “followers” track and keep up with my status. It keeps all of those I value in the know at all times – without having to update each and every one of them individually.

For all of you who are new to twitter, there are some very cool tools out there, from basic to advanced. Here are a couple worth mentioning – quickly…

Twittervision, developed by Dave Troy, is map that highlights the activity of twitter posts against a visually rich map from wherever they’re sent, as it happens. If you’re bored, it could become quite addictive – and fun to watch – for a bit.


Twittersearch, also by Dave Troy, is a very cool search engine specific to finding relevant content (perfect when you have too many friends and you need to see who’s reaching out to you directly in the sea of constant updates.)


Twitterholic, developed by Humidity Labs, ranks the most popular people on Twitter. Right now the minimum number to have is either 160 followers or 106 friends. Leo Laporte holds the top spot for followers with 2,907 and Robert Scoble holds the top “friends” spot with 1,042.

If you’re looking for me on twitter, I’m at

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Twitter Tools – Twittervision, Twittersearch, Twitterholic”

  1. Geoff_Livingston says:

    Thanks for the heads up on this. Will check it out. How do you think this will impact current business blogs?


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